A 17 year old student was crushed by a speeding truck on September 14th, 2010. The incident occurred near “Lucknow”, Uttar Pradesh (India). The name of the student is reported as “Sushil Kumar” and was a student of “Satya Narain Inter College”. After the accident, a violent mob attacked a dozen of vehicles outside the police station and injured about 10 policemen. The protestors wanted the arrest of truck driver who managed to escape after the accident.
A 17 year old student was crushed by a speeding truck on September 14th, 2010“Lucknow”, Uttar Pradesh (India).
A 17 year old student was crushed by a speeding truck on September 14th, 2010. The incident occurred near “Lucknow”, Uttar Pradesh (India). The name of the student is reported as “Sushil Kumar” and was a student of “Satya Narain Inter College”. After the accident, a violent mob attacked a dozen of vehicles outside the police station and injured about 10 policemen. The protestors wanted the arrest of truck driver who managed to escape after the accident.
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