At least 11 people were killed in a road accident in Jaunpur district of Uttar Pradesh on Friday night around 11.00 pm after a jeep carrying a group of people skidded from a bridge and fell into Sai River in Jalalpur area.
The victims were brought to a local hospital in the wee early morning hours on Saturday (March 02) where eleven of them were declared dead.
"At about 12.40 am (local time) all the victims of the accident were brought in. Four of them were brought in injured condition. While one of them succumbed to his injuries, the other three were given treatment.
Ten people had already died on the spot. So a total of eleven people have died," said S. P. Narayan, a doctor at the local hospital.
Narayan also informed that two of the injured persons have been shifted to a hospital in the nearby city of Varanasi as their condition was critical.
After the postmortem the bodies were handed over to their family members.
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