In a fatal accident in Shimla, a Maruti 800 car rolled down the hill. The car went 80-100 meter down to the hill, completely shattering it. The accident took place today afternoon near Chaura Maidan in Shimla. The eyewitnesses claimed that all three men present inside the car survived the accident, but two of them received injuries. The official details of the accident are still awaited. However, we received some photographs of the spot and the car. We would update the article as soon as the details on the same arrive.
In a fatal accident in Shimla, a car rolls down a hill
In a fatal accident in Shimla, a Maruti 800 car rolled down the hill. The car went 80-100 meter down to the hill, completely shattering it. The accident took place today afternoon near Chaura Maidan in Shimla. The eyewitnesses claimed that all three men present inside the car survived the accident, but two of them received injuries. The official details of the accident are still awaited. However, we received some photographs of the spot and the car. We would update the article as soon as the details on the same arrive.
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